dovetail ébénisterie franck grossel lampe lamp


This project was the first exercise we made in the frameworks of Naroot (my Thai tutor) training period.

We created this project by three of us, Naroot, my cabinet making teacher and myself with only one constraint, show to Naroot the hand woodworking by using handtools and also let him make the same work by using machine.

Everything started by preparing the pieces of wood, cutting the dovetail joint with chisels and saw, cutting 1/3 notches, prepared the jig in order to cut the body of the lamp and also manufac­tured the base.

We also informed Naroot about the ma­chine safety rules, the one that unfor­tunately they don’t have in Thailand.

The light can be adjust by fitting it into the notch you wish.

dovetail ébénisterie franck grossel lampe lamp
dovetail ébénisterie franck grossel lampe lamp
dovetail ébénisterie franck grossel lampe lamp
dovetail ébénisterie franck grossel lampe lamp